If you’ve ever managed a linux machine, you’ve likely manually editied the /etc/fstab file to automatically mount filesystems. If you manually specify it’s location (/dev/sdb1) you may know that adding other devices can change location, meaning you will need to change your fstab.
If you’ve looked at modern Linux distributions, you may notice that the fstab file does not contain any /dev devices, but instead uses the partition’s GUID. From what little reading I’ve done, I’ve found this is a feature of ext2 and up filesystems. A /etc/fstab in a recent version of Ubuntu will show you that you need to run blkid to print the UUID for a device, and then use GUI= as a prefix in place of the device location. Run blkid as SU (sudo blkid) and you will see something like this:
tim@cr48:~$ sudo blkid/dev/sda1: UUID=”818bded8-51fc-4c02-be9e-abb99517c905″ TYPE=”ext4″/dev/sda5: UUID=”283cf494-e3be-441d-b098-034869407e6e” TYPE=”swap”/dev/sdb1: LABEL=”cr48_home” UUID=”cab2cac5-fb0d-4afb-9561-66f97c939412″ TYPE=”ext4″
UUID=cab2cac5-fb0d-4afb-9561-66f97c939412 /home ext4 0 errors=remount-ro 1